Dr. h. c. prof. Ing. Rudolf Kropil, PhD.T: +421 455 206 101T: +421 455 206 102E: E: Rector Ing. Elena FekiačováBursar prof. Bc. RNDr. Danica Kačíková, MSc., PhD.T: +421 455 206 829E: E: Vice-rector for Development RNDr. Andrej Jankech, PhD.T: +421 455 206 453E: Vice-rector for Education doc. Ing. Pavel Beňo, PhD.T: +421 455 206 500E: Dean of the Faculty of Environmental and Manufacturing Technology prof. Dr. Ing. Jaroslav ŠálkaT: +421 455 206 327T: +421 918 806 320E: Vice-rector for International Relationships doc. Mgr. Ing. Rastislav Šulek, PhD.T: +421 455 206 325E: Dean of the Faculty of Forestry prof. Ing. Ján Tuček, CSc.T: +421 455 206 308E: Chairman of the TUZVO Academic Senate prof. Ing. Ján Sedliačik, PhD.T: +421 455 206 419E: Dean of the Faculty of Wood Sciences and Technology prof. Ing. Marián Schwarz, CSc.T: +421 455 206 655T: +421 455 206 496E: Dean of the Faculty of Ecology and Environmental Sciences prof. Ing. Jozef Krilek, PhD.T: +421 455 206 554E: Vice-rector for Science and Research Ing. Ľubica BenkováT: +421 455 206 105T: +421 917 854 652E: Head of the Rector´s Office